

Short description of the program::

Form of study: Master studies (3-semester)

Title of qualification: Master of science
Classification according to area of education:
Agricultural and veterinary sciences - forest sciences - forestry

Field of science: Agricultural Sciences
Scientific discipline: Forest Sciences



Place of task implementation and financing: The project entitled " Forestry - Implementation of the educational program in English" is implemented by the Faculty of Forestry at the University of Agriculture in Krakow. Project is a part of the Operational Program Knowledge Education Development (POWER), 3rd priority axis "Higher education for economy and development" and activity 3.5 "Comprehensive programs of higher education". The project is financed by the National Center for Research and Development of the Republic of Poland.

Student limit: 15 (including 8 foreigners and 7 polish citizens)

Gender parity: 6W +9M (3W + 5M in group of foreigners)

Overall conditions:

Staff: All the teachers involved in the programme are researchers and teachers making up a highly qualified staff of the University of Agriculture, each holding at least a PhD degree and fluent in English. Some classes and lectures will be taught by foreign teachers, currently employed as visiting professors to make the programme more attractive and diversified. Students finish their studies with the Master thesis preparation.

Financial support for students: Foreign students participating in the program will receive a scholarship throughout the study period in the amount of PLN 1500 per month (approximately EUR 350) for accommodation and maintenance. Students from Poland will receive financial assistance to cover the cost of field training and besides that can apply for material support in accordance with the regulations of the scholarship system of the University of Agriculture in Krakow.

Recruitment: The recruited students should be graduates from engineering and bachelor first-cycle education program in Forestry. In case of foreign students, it will be necessary to present a nostrified first-cycle studies diploma. Applicants should be fluent in English (B2 level by means of Common European Framework of Reference for Languages – CEFR or equivalent). During enrolling procedure online interview will be organized.

After finishing the study graduate will have the ability to use gained advanced knowledge in the State Forests administration, in community-based forest administration and with other forest owners, in national parks and landscape parks, in forest management and forest consulting companies, at the schools and universities running forestry programs and at forestry research institutes and other institutions engaged in both forest and rural management. The graduate will also be prepared to take up research and challenges on third-cycle (PhD) studies.


Recruitment process:



   dr hab. Eng. Maciej Pach - Project coordinator
   +48 12 48 662 5371

 Curriculum of Master program in Forest Management at the Faculty of Forestry,
University of Agriculture (in English)


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