November 2019

project implementation - HECAFS

As part of the meeting of participants of the HECAFS project at the University of Agriculture in Krakow, in June 2019 study trips to the fruit and vegetable processing plant were organized to the Jamar company, which houses the largest vinegar plant in Poland. The plant produces vegetable and pickled preserves, as well as soups and concentrates. Participants learned about fruit and vegetable processing technologies and learned the principles of organizing a quality management system at the level of food processing
In addition, a meeting was organized in a producer group where organic apples are produced. Participants learned about modern methods of fertilizing and protecting ecological orchards. In addition, they learned how to store and distribute organic products while maintaining traceability and quality throughout the entire supply chain. The scope of studio classes included primary production and the placing on the market of products, both in processed form and directly for consumption as dessert products
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