July 2019

Admissions to the Doctoral School

On the basis of  „Regulation No. 45/2019 of the Rector of the University of Agriculture in Krakow” and in compliance with “The principles of admission to the  Doctoral School at the University of Agriculture in Krakow in 2019/2020 academic year” I hereby inform that:


1.      Admissions to the Doctoral School are carried out by means of a competition

2.      Candidates from abroad are subject to Principles  (§12)  mentioned above.

Candidates from abroad may apply on condition that they prove possessing adequate means  for financing doctoral scholarship.

3.    Application and other required documents should be submitted at the Office (Kancelaria) , located at al. Mickiewicza 21 in Krakow – no later than 30 August 2019. Additional information concerning the required documents can be found in the “Principles of admission” (§10).

4.    The candidates should prepare their applications as presentations showing a characteristics of suggested research project. Additional information may be found in “Principles of admission” (§9).


Head of Doctoral School

University of Agriculture in Krakow
Al. Mickiewicza 21
12 633 13 36
12 633 62 45
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REGON: 000001815
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